Background: Infertility is defined as failure to conceive during one year of frequent
unprotected intercourse.1 World wide more than 70 million couples suffer from
infertility. WHO has recognized it as a major public health issue. 10-15% couples are
infertile in India. About 25-50% of infertile women have endometriosis.
Aims and Objectives: To study the prevalence of endometriosis among infertile
women undergoing laparoscopy and to study the role of laparoscopy in diagnosis,
staging and treatment of endometriosis in infertility.
Method: A total of 72 patients with primary and secondary infertility who were taken
for laparoscopy during one year study period were studied. Those with Endometriosis,
staging was done using the Revised American Fertility Society (R-AFS) classification
and EFI score also were calculated. Laparoscopic procedures done for each case noted.
Patients were followed up and successful pregnancies recorded.
Results: The prevalence of endometriosis in infertile women included in this study was
25% (18) and it was more in the age group between 26-30 years. 83.3% patients had
primary infertility. Most common affected site was found to be ovary (72%). Bilateral
tubal patency was seen in 72% cases. Stage 3(38.9%) was seen more commonly
followed by stage 4(27.8%) cystectomy and adhesiolysis were the most commonly
employed laparoscopic procedures. out of 18 patients with endometriosis, 7 patients
conceived either spontaneously or with ovulation induction and 6 patients completed
their pregnancies successfully.
Conclusion: Laparoscopy remains the gold standard for diagnosing, staging and
surgically managing endometriosis. conception rate is good after laparoscopic surgery,
if the patients are in early stage of disease and EFI score is high.
Key words: Infertility, Endometriosis, Laparoscopy.